“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pictures: Lake titicaca and islands

Uros Islands:

On boat, on the way to Uros island, with reeds in the background.

Uros people collecting reeds.

Pay station for Uros islands.

Uros island.

Example of a boat, made of reeds and used to transport tourists from one island to another.

Another island and boat.

Reed boat.

Island with it´s inhabitants. This is the one we visited.


Local boy on the island we visited.

Reed houses on the island we visited.

Guide talking about reeds (or totoras) and showing how it is eaten.

Steps in constructing a floating island:

1) Mud is sawed into blocks.

2) Thick sticks are pushed into the top of the block.

3) Ropes are tied around the sticks to keep the blocks of mud together.

4) Reeds are placed on top of the blocks in a criss-cross fashion.

5) Houses are built of reeds, too.


Local sewing reeds together for thatched roof.

Local artisan work.

Local stove. Mud/reed mix used for fuel.

Even they have solar panels!

Got carried away with photographing islands and boats!


Our room at Glady´s house. The books, pencils and fruit on the table, were gifts from us to them.

Glady´s house.

Our bedroom door. I think we must have bumped our heads at least 3 times!

Walking up to Pachatata, our first night.

On top of Pachatata.

Sunset from Pachamama.

Island houses.

Primary school.

Main square.

Rakesh playing with local kid.

Men and women collecting rocks to fix dock.

Men fixing dock.

Local women. Some of them spinning wool.
 Pachatata peak, with mountains in background.

Views from Pachamama peak.

Sunset with snow-capped mountains of Bolivia!


View of Amantani.

Lone Inca ruin!

Girl who goes to the same school as Tania. They know each other. Well, most of the islanders know each other. I bought one of her bracelets.

Rakesh, Gladys, Aquelino, myself and Tania (left to right).

Local lady spinning wool while walking!

Band playing (Aquelino with drum), on our last night.

Us dressed in local clothing, along with Tania.


We could be on some island in the Mediterranean!

1 comment:

  1. we remembered the mud stove our moms used to make and cook on them using firewood when we were small kids.they were called kodige vole you are having a totally different kind of experience
