“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back to Bangkok

January 21 - 23

We boarded  an overnight bus to get to Ayutthaya and were supposed to arrive in Ayutthaya around 4 am. Once on the bus, the thought as to how we would know when to get off the bus did cross my mind. Tiredness, however, overcame me and the thought never materialized into any outward question - I happily fell asleep soon after the bus departed from Sukhotai station. At about 5 am, I was shaken out of sleep by Rakesh who whispered: "I think we may have missed our stop!" It was shortly after that, when we discovered that the bus conductor did not announce stops along the way. Until this date, we actually don't know if we missed our stop, or if we got on the wrong bus!...nevertheless, we arrived in Bangkok and headed to straight for Julie's apartment. It was a blessing in disguise. Both of us were pretty tired and most likely would not have been able to appreciate Ayutthaya, as much.

That day we slept, took it easy and in the evening went out to another place that Julie and Alex had recommended. Asiateque The Riverfront, is a fairly recent "hangout"area of old warehouses that have been converted into restaurants and boutique stores. It is located by the Chao Phraya river bank and to get there we had to get a taxi boat. The place was buzzing with tourists and locals that night (even though a week night!). We walked around for a bit and ended up in an Italian restaurant. The food was pretty good, but VERY expensive for Thai standards!

The next day we got a late morning bus to Ayutthaya. We were still determined to get there, as it's only 2 hours away from Bangkok. More on Ayutthaya in the next post.

In the evening (our last in Thailand) we had dinner at a nearby bar/restaurant that we had gone to one other time. We were enticed, once again, by their Belgian beers and some pretty good fries!

Since Rakesh was only granted 2 weeks of stay in Thailand, we were required to move on the next day. I had my heart set on coming back to Thailand, as I was quite certain we would get to spend some relaxing time on some beaches, snorkeling and swimming, off the coast or on some island. We thought, we would come back, but with all the other neighbouring countries and places we wanted to visit, we realized we would not have the time to return to Thailand (at least not on these travels!). We certainly made up in other ways...

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