“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

Friday, September 21, 2012

To travel, or not to travel - that was the BIG question!

As we pondered with the idea of traveling, the biggest question we had to solve was "what are we going to do with all our attachments?"

1) house (rental only, hence no mortgage to deal with)
2) TWO cars (!)
3) all our possessions
4) our cat (the biggest worry of all the above, as kind of like having a kid).

Little, by little we chipped away at our question, and the answers began to reveal themselves!

By placing an ad of our rented house on craigslist, we were able to find the best match. A young couple, looking for a short-term lease in our neighborhood AND pet lovers, too! So how, perfect! Not only will they be subleasing, paying the full rent etc. BUT will also be looking after our cat, too! As for them, they get a great house, which will be fully furnished. Ah, such a relief! So that takes care of numbers 1 and 4.

As for number 2: A good friend of ours, recently moved to California, and hinted that she needed a car. How great! I decided to loan her my car. So what about the second car? Thanks to this very same friend, we will be able to store Rakesh's car in the back yard (all concrete) of her cottage! Thank you dear friend!

Our possessions...Rakesh and I have had a disagreement: he thinks we have too much, whereas I think we have just enough! I'd say that's a "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus " type situation. Anyway, too much, too little or just right, we still have possessions (can't help it). Well, ok, so we did have a basket full of "stuff" that we had been meaning to sell in a yard sale. We had that and made a fair earning, and the rest we gave away to a Salvation Army. Luckily the furniture was the least of our worries, as we knew we'd have no trouble finding someone to sublease our house with the furniture in it, too. But what about all our other possessions? Where were we going to store these? We wanted to avoid having to pay for storage, and thanks to family and friends, we will be distributing our boxes between 2 to 3 houses. So, voila, that takes care of number 2! Thank you friends and family!

So, these attachments, will still be attachments, but at least we'll be detached from these attachments for the duration of our travels! Phew! 

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