“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

Friday, October 5, 2012

Deja vu Lima 2

Great! I wrote a lovely long post the other day about our arrival in Lima, decided to save it on this blogger app I'm using on the iPhone, in order to edit it later and then Rakesh points out that it's gone! Hence, the 2.5 rating on the blogger app.

So here it goes again, but an abridged version.

After, the major hiccup at the SF airport, all went smoothly. Comfortable plane ride, pretty good food (for what one gets on a plane) and easy move through the Lima airport (from immigrations to baggage claim). We were then greeted by a taxi driver named Juan, holding up a sign with our names on it. He is a friend of a wonderful Afro-Peruvian guitarist/musician, "Coco" who we hosted in CA for 3 weeks.

First impressions: Big city, TONS of people. More buses and taxis, than any other vehicle. Lots of honking. Vehicles have no respect for pedestrians...and drive very fast. People are very nice and helpful, when we ask them questions. They are very patient with my Spanish and luckily understand me!! I've even had a couple ppl tell me I speak Castellano, which is no surprise as I learned Spanish from teachers from mainland Spain! I guess, that was a compliment (for me)! Food is pretty good so far, though heavy emphasis on the meat/fish, ofcourse (though after being used to having a plethora of vegetarian options). Some beautiful buildings in Lima center, with European influence, ofcourse. Visited two Cathedrals, with moorish influence for ex. Lots of non-discript bldgs for the most part, but quite a bit of colour!

We will be going to Coco's mother's house for lunch this afternoon.

We've taken some pics and hope to share them soon. We need an Internet cafe/computer or that.

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