“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Pictures: Torres del Paine

First day:



Getting closer to park's entrance. Partial view of three granite monolithic "torres" on clear day. No luck in seeing them up close, on our last day (above 3 pics.).

Crossing Lake Pehoe to get to our starting point.

And we're off!...on our 5 day trek!!

Overlooking Lago Grey, with glacier in the distance.

Second day:

Approaching the glacier (top 2 pics.).

Closer to glacier...

Crossing bridge on our hike back down from Refugio Grey.

View of Lago Pehoe (again). We had just finished retracing our steps from the previous day's hike and were about to embark on a new trail toward second camp.

Third day:

Views with lago Pehoe from a distance. Hiking up north of campsite Italiano, toward ampitheatre of peaks.

Views taken from near the end of the trail (top 2 pics.).

Sitting on heap of boulders. Feeling like we were on top of the world, surrounded by peaks.

Standing pebble beach by lake Nordenskjold.

Fourth day:

Greenish mountains with crazy ridge formations bordering lake Nordenskjold.

Hiking toward Refugio Chileno.

Narrow valley. Trail runs along left slope toward Refugio Chileno, where we took a short break.

Fifth day:

Yeeeiiiieee!! We made it to the very end of the trail. The sign depicting the "torres" made up for the fact that we could not see those that were clouded over (behind, to the left of us and not in the photo).

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