“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sacrilege! We forgot to post photos of Machu Picchu...

Click on photos to enlarge!

Just off the bus...butterflies in the stomach...no backing out, now!

Group photo (without the guides) at beginning of Inca trail.

First ruins we came across. Inca village. Learned about their ingenious village planning.

Our first lunch! Many more meals in this tent to come.

Roger talking about the moss in the cloud forest. Like a sponge - he squeezed a ton of water out of it!

Encouraging our porters, the "red army", as they passed us by.

Along Inca trail in the cloud forest.

Cloud forest

Another group photo along with our guides, Roger and Ronnie.

Moss!! So fluffy and soft I could sleep on it (or maybe not).

More cloud forest, with beautifully laid Inca trail (it wasn't always this flat!!).

Porters. Our "waykis" (means "brothers" in Quechua).

More ruins. The incas created these steps to maximize the land for farming!! 

Group photo at the site of the ruins above.

Can you spot the red tents? They were already set up by our waykis at the last campsite. Photo taken from ruins above.

Winay Wayna. Second largest ruin, after Machu Picchu along this trail. We visited this site after arriving at our last campsite.

Rakesh and I continued after Winay Wayna to get to this gorgeous water fall. He had his best shower EVER here...and reminisced about it for the longest time after (and still does)!

We saw many llamas along the way.

Yeeiiiee! We made it to Machu Picchu! Group photo with our newly acquired "Llama path" t-shirts. 

In front of Machu Picchu with Wayna Picchu in background.

Breathtaking! So magical and spiritual!

A closer look of Machu Picchu.

Climbing up ruins of Wayna Picchu. Such steep and narrow steps! How on earth did the Incas build all this on such a steep and sharp mountain?

Half way up Wayna Picchu. Overlooking Machu Picchu. It is thought that this was the vantage point where the architect oversaw the construction of Machu Picchu.

King of the world! At very top of Wayna Picchu... after a brutal climb. 

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